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Where Learning Has No Boundaries

Polaris Charter Academy

Where Learning Has No Boundaries

Polaris Charter Academy

Where Learning Has No Boundaries

Polaris Charter Academy

Polaris Board Minutes 8.27.13

Polaris Charter Academy
Board Meeting Minutes
August 27, 2013
Board Topic: Back to School!

Board Members:  Uday Khedkar (Chair), Sarah Walker, Darren Snyder, Greg Borkowski, Travis Swoope, Michelle Navarre, Keecia Broy, Susan Kajiwara-ansai, Dr. Kameron Matthews, Micaeh Johnson

School Leaders: Michelle Navarre (Head of School), Carol Clavadetscher, Roel Vivit, Linda McEvoy

Teachers in Attendance:

Uday called the meeting to order at 6:10pm.

Uday made a motion to approve the board minutes from the July 11th, 2013 board meeting and the June 25th board meeting. Sarah seconded the motion.            

State of the School                                      

Michelle provided an overview of professional development week, highlighted new teachers and positions, including the Instructional Guide and High School counselor positions. She shared with the board that 4 8th grade students were chosen to be keynote speakers at the 2013 Expeditionary Learning conference; the students will be sharing their Peacekeeper work with an audience of over 800 students.

Finance Committee                         

Carol presented a review of the July financials, with minimal variance to plan in the first month of the fiscal year ($42,000 favorable). She shared that the fiscal year 2013 audit will be conducted the week of September 16th by ORBA; estimated net income (pre audit) is $200,000 favorable to budget, driven by the recognition of the Crown grant and decision to opt out of CPS facilities.

The Strategic Finance Task Force had kick off meeting on August 1st to evaluate Chicago-based growth opportunities. The task force includes Paul Carlisle, Ranjan Daniels, Joel Pomerenk, Uday Khedkar, and Travis Swoope.

Development Committee

Carol shared that an offer has been extended for the development manager position. She is working with Audrey George, ED of Horizons for Youth, in the hiring process.

Carol shared that Polaris was granted $250,000 from the Walton Family Foundation, for Polaris expansion into 7th and 8th grade. On August 15th, Polaris hosted Ron Kovler and Ben Levin from Invest for Kids. Polaris is a finalist for the 2013 IFK conference, which could yield up to a $150,000 for general operating funds!

Governance Committee

Sarah shared with the board that the executive committee held an August 15th strategic planning pre-session, the outcome of which it was determined that there is value in moving forward with broader board strategic planning and next/immediate steps are collecting SWOT data present board member

The board approved Sarah’s resignation as Secretary; Sarah moved for Kameron to assume the role of Secretary; Uday seconded the motion. Travis nominated Sarah for the Vice Chairperson role. Uday seconded the motion. All members in attendance voted and approved the nomination.

Sarah then presented the pipeline recruitment status, with Joel Pomerenk and Ranjan Daniels actively in the pipeline, with a goal to onboard by the next board meeting, She shared there was no progress yet in moving forward with the TFA alumni database. Sarah also shared that there is ongoing committee level work with Jacqueline to develop our exit-policy and exit-packages for exiting board members 

Academic Excellence                      

Michelle shared an overview of the 2013 ISAT scores. Polaris scores overall were relatively flat to prior year, given new cut scores. She reviewed the variances by grade level, specifically identifying gap areas in 4th and 5th grade.

New Business and Calendar Review

Uday reviewed the upcoming board calendar, stressing the importance of the Annual Meeting on October 22nd. The meeting is one week earlier, due to Polaris staff attending the EL National Conference from October 23rd – 26th. 

Michelle moved to close the meeting at 7:45pm. Sarah seconded the motion.

SCHEDULE – Board Retreat 

Tuesday, October 22th, 2013             6:30pm
Tuesday, December 3rd, 2013           6:30pm
Tuesday, January 28th, 2014             5:30pm
Tuesday, February 25th, 2014           6:30pm
Tuesday, April 29th, 2014                   6:30pm
Tuesday, May 27th, 2014                   6:30pm
Tuesday, June 24th, 2014                  5:30pm
Activate Search
Polaris Board Minutes 8.27.13